Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Church is Home

 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.  And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:23-25

Consumers or Members

In a church you should never be a number.

You should not be marketed to.

You should be loved, cared for, l
istened to, prayed for and visited.

You are a brother, a sister, a family member, a member of the body of Christ.

I once heard a nationally known preacher say that when he preached on Sunday morning he was making product. After each of the 4 Sunday services someone would critique and change the message to make it better based on the reaction of the congregation and other factors. This type of production does help market to vast audiences and sell many copies of a given series, but as Christians do we want to be seen as consumers or church members?

Who's Your Pastor?

When you listen to preachers on the radio and television you are
often hearing good teaching, but don't elevate the teaching or the preacher above the pastor who is caring for your soul;

the one who preaches the Word at your church,

the one who led you to Christ,

the one who calls to see how you're doing,

the one who visits you when you're sick,

who cried with you when you were steeped in sin and wanted out,

who dedicated your kids,

who counseled you about marriage,

who baptized you,

who taught you the principles of the faith.

Not a Customer

Our life with God is a relationship not a commercial transaction.

Our relationship with the church needs to be the same.

You're not a customer to God.

The pastor is not the proprietor of the business.

Dinner With The Family

Worship is not like going to an Italian Restaurant one week and to a French Restaurant the next to experience the different flavors of each.

Sunday worship is coming home every week for dinner with the family at Mom and Dad's.