Tuesday, January 6, 2009

That Which Quiets and Assures

By Pastor Phil Walter

There is something God has given each of us, which, like most blessings God provides, isn’t tangible, but is nonetheless very much real.  It produces what Isaiah 32:17 speaks of, quietness inside that makes us confident in our union with God.  When we become troubled in our emotions because the adversary of our souls brings back the memory of just how imperfect we’ve been lately, or even long ago, this gift from God can reassure us.  It can also give us an expectation of good for our lives from our Father {Psalm 27:13 – 14; Jeremiah 29:11.

Ephesians 1:7 says that our redemption came at no less than the price of Jesus’ Life in our place.  And what is our redemption?  Nothing less than the forgiveness of our sins.  It was the ransom Jesus gave, His blood {Acts 20:28; Leviticus 17:11} that is the basis for us to no longer live in guilt, no longer have memory of personal offense {done to as well as done by us}, and to share in a destiny {with all who’ve trusted Christ as their Savior} from Heaven.

No matter what we’ve done, said, or even thought, once we acknowledge to the Holy Spirit that we’ve again fallen short of His glory {Romans 3:23}, we say individually to God, “Yes, what was done, said, or thought was not from You.”  Then, we’re catapulted right back into fellowship with our Lord.  This happens because of the value to God the Father of Jesus Christ’s offering of Himself {John 10:17 – 18}, and our choice to specifically do what we’re told in I John 1:9.  Now, having done so, any guilt we still feel is not bonafide, and remains because of the devil speaking lies to our conscience that Christ’s payment for our sins was not sufficient.  These feelings of guilt after confession of sin must be resisted by the repetition of Truth to ourselves {Psalm 15:2c; 51:6} or, we have an experience in time severed from the enjoyment of our Father’s love for us.

So, the permanent removal of our sins gives us the opportunity to not live in guilt, provided we don’t ignore the Holy Spirit who convicts us of our sins {John 16:8 – 9}.  Our minds can always be refreshed {Ephesians 4:23} by the truth that Christ’s blood does remove guilt from the conscience {Hebrews 9:14}.  Perhaps all we need sometimes is just some minutes reminding ourselves of this.

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